Midlife Wilderness Expeditions by Sylke Laine - Fall Adventure

Midlife Wilderness Expeditions

Are you a woman who’s ready to blaze her own damn trail?

The fall expedition launches October 1st and runs through November.

Are you tiring yourself out in the tamed world’s shoulds, musts, and cannots? On top of handling hormonal changes to your body and soul?

Do you feel pulled between different priorities (like family, career, health, friends, creative dreams) and unable to give your full heart to any of them?

Even if you had time and energy, you wouldn’t know where to invest them. Have your passion and creative sparks been buried by layers of expectations?

This is your Call to Adventure. The beginning of your heroine’s journey.
This is your Soul asking you to come back to joy, ease, play, and creativity.

My call to adventure found me sobbing uncontrollably in a grocery store parking lot, and it’s been a wild ride ever since. My latest quest was Nature Therapy Guide training in 2023. It helped me realize what my midlife soul was still missing: mystery, wordlessness, limitless imagination.

Since then, I have learned to live simultaneously in the tamed world with its structure and demands and the wild world with its paradoxes and unruliness.

Come with me into that liminal space where we’ll unveil your passion, purpose, and creative spark.

Learn more about me.

green tree photo

1. Ally With Nature

Nature is your most formidable ally once you make it a habit of calling on her. I will teach you simple rituals and meditations you can use throughout our journey (and beyond) to request her support for your mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. You will no longer be afraid of the wilderness; you will be in partnership with her and rely on her to guide you toward your true nature (rather than relying on outside voices that always have their own agendas).

brown and black shovel on green grass field

Societal expectations and definitions of success, from raising happy children to caring for aging parents, all while bringing in an ever bigger paycheck, have poured asphalt over your passions and desires. We will examine which “shoulds” and “musts” prevent you from growing into the badass creative woman you were always destined to become. You will feel clear about who that is and ready to write her all kinds of permission slips (”Dance before dinner,” “Skip your son’s recital,” “Sit under a tree instead of exercising,”…). You will need those when you finally prioritize your joy and well-being in the following steps.

woman holding flower in hand in nature

It is time to get clear about what it is you want to do with the second half of your life: Maybe you want to write a book, start a business, become a social justice advocate, or sit under a tree as often as you can – now is your time to choose your passion project and map a path towards it. And not in a “hustle-and-achieve-more” kind of way. We are all about play, ease, and freedom in the Midlife Wilderness Expeditions. Yes, you might choose to work a lot, but you’ll know how to work soft rather than hard. How? By working with your strengths rather than against your weaknesses.

crop woman in warm outfit carrying knitted shopper with red flowers

Playfully courageous, courageously free, freely creative, creatively connected – maybe one of these will be your midlife motto. We won’t know what yours will be until you announce it to yourself (and the world, perhaps). What I do know is that you will take small steps each day that will bring you closer to that satisfying, grounded, and creative life you’ve been yearning for when you can’t sleep at night. Supported by fellow adventurers, the land, and me, your midlife won’t always be easy-breezy. But you’ll feel confident handling it.

🌱 The Spring Expedition was about germination: planting seeds, promoting new beginnings, and clearing out old, stagnant energy.

🌻 During Summer Camp we played into growth and expansion through outward expression: storytelling, arts & crafts, talent shows, and hammock time, too.

🍁 Fall will be about harvest and preparation for the winter: sorting, cutting, storing, and contracting. I will guide you through exercises designed to release any excess pumped-up summer energy and compost it into a calm and steady flow.

We’ll turn inward, identifying and expelling any thoughts and beliefs that may have kept you stuck for years.

Think less dreaming, more putting your midlife dream into action.

🍁 This fall’s Midlife Wilderness Expedition will feel intentional and restorative, like colorful walk in the woods followed by a soothing herbal tea on the couch.

🍁 We’ll slow down our brains and our bodies while still cultivating and preserving energy so that we have enough in winter.

🍁 We’ll channel our creativity through playful reflection while connecting with the land and each other.

The Spring Midlife Wilderness Expedition is about women's dreams, passions, purpose, and creativity

You belong in the Midlife Wilderness Expedition if you want:

  • Clarity about the amount of fucks you have to give each day (no more over-extension)
  • Purpose, passion, and priorities that light YOU up (no more people-pleasing and culture-appeasing)
  • A dream that is worth growing towards (and that you can’t shut up about when you talk with your people)
  • An environment that makes your growth not just possible but inevitable (without having to move to a cabin in the woods, although if you want to…)
  • A clear path of small yet impactful steps, one of which you’ll want to take each day (even Sundays)
  • Powerful self-coaching tools and rituals you can use whenever your thought gremlins start spraying acid rain on your little seed (all our thoughts are stories; let’s listen to the interesting and nourishing ones)
  • New (yet ancient), spiritual, bodyful & mindful ways to connect with nature and root your Self to the land.
midlife woman crossing a bridge in the wilderness
Photo by Flo Maderebner on Pexels.com

Will you answer the call?

  • Lessons and Quests (homework, if your brain prefers the term) delivered via email, every other week
  • Monthly Remote Nature Therapy Immersions
  • Monthly Group Coaching Sessions
  • WhatsApp Community for mutual support
  • Includes all of the above
  • Plus private conversations and personal support by me in up to six one-hour guide sessions
Midlife Wilderness Expeditions by Sylke Laine - Fall Adventure

Doubts? Questions?

Please do not hesitate to schedule a free call with me.
I am happy to address your concerns and share any details
that didn’t make it onto this page.