Midlife Wilderness Expeditions for women who want to answer their soul's calling to adventure

Midlife Wilderness Expeditions

Spring Adventure: NOW – June 21

Are you tiring yourself out in the tamed world’s shoulds, musts, and cannots? On top of handling hormonal changes to your body and soul?

Do you feel pulled between different priorities (like family, career, health, friends, creative dreams) and unable to give your full heart to any of them?

Even if you had time and energy, you wouldn’t know where to invest them. Have your passion and creative sparks been buried by layers of expectations?

This is your Call to Adventure. The beginning of your heroine’s journey.
This is your Soul asking you to come back into alignment with your unique calling and purpose.
The members of my pilot expedition pay only $360.

My call to adventure found me sobbing uncontrollably in a grocery store parking lot, and it’s been a wild ride ever since. My latest quest was Nature Therapy Guide training in 2023. It helped me realize what my midlife soul was still missing: mystery, wordlessness, limitless imagination.

Since then, I have learned to live simultaneously in the tamed world with its structure and demands and the wild world with its paradoxes and unruliness.

Come with me into that liminal space where we’ll unveil your passion, purpose, and creative spark.

More about me.

Email me if you have any questions.

🌱 Weekly email quests. 🌱 Six personal, 1:1 guide sessions with Sylke. 🌱 One remote group nature therapy session. 🌱 One group coaching session. 🌱 $360. 🌱 More about the logistics ↘︎

passion and creativity need warmth to germinate

We will create the environment for your soul, your essential Self, to germinate and break through the asphalt that culture has paved on top.

You will remember your belonging with nature, train your senses as portals to intuition & curiosity, and reconnect with your wild side. You’ll learn to cooperate with the land to regulate your nervous system, a crucial step for everything to come in the following weeks.

shine a light on your creativity, purpose, and passion

Each species needs its unique level of brightness to know when it’s time to break through the soil. We will shine a light on what’s holding you back.

We’ll address your doubts & fears, identify your limiting beliefs (a.k.a. your shoulds, musts, and cannnots), and begin to put all those onto the compost pile. Yes, they can become fertile soil.

the program will water and nourish your passion and purpose

Moisture is crucial for activating a seed’s germination processes. We’ll explore what nourishes and activates you.

It is time to uncover your passion, purpose, and power – today. What fueled you in your 20s might either bore or exhaust you know. We’ll create sustainable energy sources that will keep you nourished well into your crone phase. And address new fears and worries that will arise.

creativity needs air to breathe

Seeds need oxygen to breathe and grow. So do purpose, passion, and creativity.

It is time to begin exploring and experimenting. Allowing failure and messiness is key to not suffocating what is trying to rise in you. We’ll embrace imperfection and play to expand the growth zone for the summer ahead. Watch yourself handle a whole new set of doubts.

midlife women need a community to thrive

A web of fungal filaments connects the roots of different trees and plants. Through this mycorrhizal network, nutrients can be transferred between plants. Spring is the time for you to (re-)connect with your community.

No more trying to figure things out by yourself. No more creative isolation. We’ll cover how to create and maintain a supportive network of women who are on a similar path. So that you may supply each other with essential nutrients like coffee, chocolate, and kale (if you’re like me).

You belong in the Spring Expedition if you want:

  • Clarity about the amount of fucks you have to give each day (no more over-extension)
  • Purpose, passion, and priorities that light YOU up (no more people-pleasing and culture-appeasing)
  • A dream that is worth growing towards (and that you can’t shut up about when you talk with your people)
  • An environment that makes your growth not just possible but inevitable (without having to move to a cabin in the woods, although if you want to…)
  • A clear path of small yet impactful steps, one of which you’ll want to take each day (even Sundays)
  • Powerful self-coaching tools and rituals you can use whenever your thought gremlins start spraying acid rain on your little seed (all our thoughts are stories, let’s listen to the interesting and nourishing ones)
  • New (yet ancient), spiritual, bodyful & mindful ways to connect with nature and root your Self to the land.
The Spring Midlife Wilderness Expedition is about women's dreams, passions, purpose, and creativity

You will set your own schedule because you, like me, probably can’t drop everything.
I recommend starting no later than May 10 to get the most out of it.

  • at least one remote Nature Therapy Immersion
  • at least one group coaching session
  • a WhatsApp Community for mutual support

You’ll have a say in when the group events are scheduled.

  • up to 6 private guide hours with me between April 1 and June 21 (on Zoom or in Missoula if you’re close)
  • weekly quests (homework, if your brain prefers the term) delivered via email
  • daily journaling

You get to accept, adapt, or decline these invitations.

TIME: You should be willing to invest 30 minutes each day and a little more on some days. Most of us will simply have to put our phones away to create that space.

MONEY: For this pilot expedition, your financial investment is $360.

midlife woman crossing a bridge in the wilderness
Photo by Flo Maderebner on Pexels.com

Will you answer the call?

  • You are here because you are ready to go deep.
  • Because you have a sense that the way out of the wilderness is through it.
  • Because you are done with discontentment, boredom, and people-pleasing.
  • Because knowing and following your calling will bring you into harmony with yourself, others, and the more-than-human world. And that’s the best (perhaps the only) way to be of service to the planet.
Midlife Wilderness Expeditions for women who want to answer their soul's calling to adventure

Doubts? Questions?

Please do not hesitate to schedule a free call with me.
I am happy to address your concerns and share any details
that didn’t make it onto this page.